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CALL FOR PAPERS (November 2024)CALL FOR PAPERS (November 2024)CALL FOR PAPERS (November 2024)

CALL FOR PAPERS (November 2024)

Next Issue-46, Vol- 8, Last Date for Submission of Papers: 15 November 2024. Papers can be either mailed to [email protected] or submitted using Online Submission Form.

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CALL FOR PAPERS (November 2024)

Next Issue-46, Vol- 8, Last Date for Submission of Papers: 15 November 2024. Papers can be either mailed to [email protected] or submitted using Online Submission Form.

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CALL FOR PAPERS (November 2024)

Next Issue-46, Vol- 8, Last Date for Submission of Papers: 15 November 2024. Papers can be either mailed to [email protected] or submitted using Online Submission Form.

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All articles submitted to JRSP-ELT must be unique and haven’t already been submitted for evaluation elsewhere. Papers that have already been published in part or in full will not be accepted for publication by JRSP-ELT.

All researchers are welcome to join JRSP-ELT. The primary criterion for evaluating manuscripts will be their intellectual merit, independent of the writers’ race, gender, religious affiliation, ethnicity, citizenship, or other personal characteristics.

List of References

Authors have to provide a list of references for their articles and it should recognize the works that influenced the author’s work. A reference list is always arranged alphabetically. All sources are listed by the last names of the authors and listed individually at the end of the manuscript.

Contribution and Funding Statement by Author(s)

The list of authors must include all individuals who made a significant contribution to the work that is being presented. All individuals who contributed significantly to the idea, creation, execution, or interpretation of the work, as well as any sources of funding used to complete the work, must also be mentioned and properly identified.

All authors, including those who have been removed from the list, must consent before any changes to the author list can be made. The corresponding author should serve as a link between the editor and the other writers, keep them updated, and include them in important publishing choices.


Any kind of plagiarism will not be allowed. Each freshly submitted manuscript to the JRSP-ELT will be examined for plagiarism using the internet anti-plagiarism programmes in order to prevent any form of it. Papers that appear to have been plagiarised will not be accepted for publication and will not be forwarded to reviewers. Any kind of plagiarism will not be permitted. This includes the utilisation of false data.

Authors’ Responsibilities

The authors of original articles should provide a truthful overview of the work as well as a dispassionate analysis of its importance. The document should appropriately depict the data. A paper should have enough information and citations to let someone else verify or repeat the work. Additionally, authors must organize their submissions in accordance with the instructions in the Manuscript Guidelines for JRSP-ELT.

Multiple, Redundant or Simultaneous Publication

JRSP-ELT requires all authors of a research paper to sign on a letter/with an assurance that the manuscript has not been published before, and is not under consideration for publication in any other journals. The author or authors should also agree to transfer to JRSP-ELT all rights, including the exclusive right to electronically store, reproduce and distribute the contribution wholly or in part, including publish, reprints, translations, photographic and reproductions. The journal considers acceptance of these conditions by all listed authors for submission to JRSP-ELT.

Originality, Plagiarism and Acknowledgement of Sources

It is the authors’ responsibility to make sure that their articles are original. The information in the articles should be accurate. Only original works, properly citing or quoting other authors’ words or works, definitions, or works, must be submitted by authors. A confirmation from the authors stating that the submission is original work must be sent. Authors are required to take part in the peer review of the manuscript they have submitted. They must interact with the journal editors and address all of the reviewers’ remarks and ideas. Additionally, they ought to adhere to any applicable deadlines and offer retractions or error corrections. After the paper has been submitted, any errors must be reported right away to the editor. Additionally, authors of published work have a duty to notify the journal as soon as they become aware of any errors.

Authorship of the Paper

Only those who significantly contributed to the conception, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study should be given the privilege of authorship. Co-authors should be listed for everyone who contributed significantly. The contributing co-authors will all be listed in the author list by the corresponding author. The corresponding author will also confirm that all co-authors have given their consent for the manuscript to be submitted for publication and have approved the final version.

The authors have to certify that each author indicated on the title page has made a major contribution to the work, has reviewed the manuscript, has attested to the accuracy and legitimacy of the data and its interpretation, and has approved the submission of the work to the journal. Each author acknowledges that the author list is accurate in both content and order, and that it cannot be changed without the Editor’s formal approval. In the case that any violation of the Principles of Publication Ethics and Publication Statement in JRSP-ELT is discovered, all authors agree that the Editor’s decisions regarding acceptance or rejection, as well as in the event of retraction, are final.

Editors will not permit the inclusion of new authors after the article has been submitted unless all authors agree to it and provide a thorough justification. The Corresponding Author shall be directly accountable for the submission on behalf of all Co-Authors. The publication statement and publication ethics are subject to violation, and the paper may be retracted.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

Any financial or other significant conflicts of interest that could be taken to have an impact on the findings or interpretation of a work should be disclosed by all authors in a statement. Disclosure of all funding sources for the project is required.


  Journal for Research Scholars and Professionals of English Language Teaching (JRSP-ELT) is an international journal intended for researchers and teachers of English. It is a bimonthly online journal with […]

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscript Submission Overview                      MS Word Template for Manuscript (Download) Publication Types: JRSP-ELT has no restrictions on the length […]

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STATEMENT OF PUBLICATION ETHICS JRSP-ELT follows COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines for its all publications. This journal fully adheres to its Code of Conduct and to its Best Practice Guidelines. The Code of Conduct […]

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All Issues Volume I (2017) Volume II (2018) Volume III (2019) Volume IV (2020) Volume V (2021) Volume VI (2022) Volume VII (2023) Volume 8 | Issue No. 41 January […]

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Contact Details

  Publisher & Chief Editor: Prof. Dr. V. Chandra Sekhar Rao, Professor Emeritus, Flat No. 102, First Floor, Gayatri Towers, Hayathnagar, HYDERABAD-501505, India. Mobile No. 91 7337545949, Email: [email protected] PAPER SUBMISSIONS: Research Papers/Articles […]

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